About Me

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Hi, my name is Alice and I am a self-confessed bake-a-holic. My dream is to one day own a tea room full of gorgeous things, with books everywhere, vintage crockery, and of course plenty of home made cake! On this blog I plan to share all my trials and triumphs from the kitchen, as well as some of my favourite recipes and inspiration that I gather along the way.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Been Missing Me?

Seeing as I've been a bit underactive in the blogoshpere of late, I thought it was probably worth updating you all on what's been going on!

As some of you know, I recently qualified as a primary school teacher, and started teaching my first class in September. Spending every day with 30 ten year olds is certainly very hectic but I'm loving it so far! All the planning, marking and preperation have meant that for now the baking and the blogging are having to take something of a back seat, and I'm really missing my afternoons in the kitchen. Never fear though, I promise that as soon as things have settled down a bit I'll be back to the blogging. And I promise promise promise at least one post during half term (the week of the 24th).

Also, I am trying a gluten free and dairy free diet at the moment, somewhat challenging considering I'm also vegetarian! This is making new recipes a bit tricky to come by, although I'm loving what Chocolate Covered Katie does over on her blog, and am hoping that I'll be able to draw some inspiration from there. If anyone has any other recipe suggestions, I'd love to give them a go too! I also plan to do some mini reviews on some of the lovely tasty things I've discovered so far, so keep those eyes peeled!