About Me

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Hi, my name is Alice and I am a self-confessed bake-a-holic. My dream is to one day own a tea room full of gorgeous things, with books everywhere, vintage crockery, and of course plenty of home made cake! On this blog I plan to share all my trials and triumphs from the kitchen, as well as some of my favourite recipes and inspiration that I gather along the way.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Gluten Free Apple Cake

Been a while since my last post, sorry! Been a bit frantic with sorting out my new classroom *does little excited dance* and having been away to sunny Norfolk! The plan is to resume normal service for a bit now though, although I may need poking with a pointy stick to keep me from forgetting from time to time!

As the more observant amongst you may have noticed, this is my second recent gluten free post. Recently I've been told I may have coeliacs, and I'm part way through the diagnosis route (blood tests then biopsy for those who don't know). Anyway, after a bit of a panic over the things I potentially may have to stop eating, I thought the only sensible thing to do was to have a go at a bit of gluten free baking! I'm hoping that those non gf readers who've made it this far aren't put off though, the recipes can usually be made with wheat flour, and actually are every bit as delicious as 'normal' baking (And no, I'm not just saying that)!

Anyway, here is my recipe for super scrummy apple loaf cake

190g gluten free self raising flour
150g soft butter
175g sugar
3 eggs
1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp mixed spice
2 apples (1 and a half chopped into little cubes, half in thin slices)

  • Preheat the oven to 170C
  • Grease a standard loaf tin
  • Using an electric whisk, mix together all ingredients, excluding the thinly sliced apple. If the mixture does not easily drop off a spoon, add a little apple juice or milk.
  • Pour into the greased loaf tin
  • Decorate with the slices of apple (and a little soft brown sugar if desired)
  • Bake for 10 mins, then cover with foil and return to the oven for another 30 mins, or until a cocktail stick inserted into the middle comes out clean
I baked this for my mum's birthday, and I must say it went down a treat. It's also a relatively adaptable recipe, try with ginger for a lovely fiery cake!

1 comment:

  1. You are SO right! GF Baking IS just as yummy as baking with wheat. I'd argue that it's even yummier with the variety of flavors in the different flours. Thanks for the apple cake recipe!
