About Me

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Hi, my name is Alice and I am a self-confessed bake-a-holic. My dream is to one day own a tea room full of gorgeous things, with books everywhere, vintage crockery, and of course plenty of home made cake! On this blog I plan to share all my trials and triumphs from the kitchen, as well as some of my favourite recipes and inspiration that I gather along the way.

Tuesday 24 May 2011


Does anything beat some bunting decorating a garden at a summer tea party? (apart from the cupcakes and brownie, obviously). I've wanted to have a go at making my own bunting for a while, and so I thought I'd give it a stab! I decided to stick with just 2 different materials for my first attempt (I'm easily confused) and picked them and my ribbon up from a local market for £5 a metre (the ribbon obviously was cheaper).

To start with, I just hacked at the fabric in order to create what I hoped were triangle type shapes. Perhaps unsurprisingly this didn't really work, so I set about making me a template to pin on and cut the triangles out. It did take me a while to get my head around making sure that the pattern went the same direction on all the triangles (I began to regret buying stripes) but once I'd figured that out I ended up with lots of lovely equilateral triangles (about 18cm on each side, if you're interested).

Next job was to put the triangles back to back and sew them together to get double sided triangles. I did this with a zig zag stitch. I had however managed to lose the sewing machine instructions, and not having used it for a bit this took quite a while to figure out. Still, I got there eventually. Once this was done I pinned, then sewed, them all on to my ribbon. Et voila...

...my first ever bunting!

Hopefully the first of many, and I'm certainly lusting after this book for some inspiration for next time! Bunting (Twenty to Make)

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